The Best Protein Substitutes

Hi everyone! Today I will be writing about the best protein substitutes for meat. When transitioning to this diet style, it was a big concern of mine that I wouldn’t be able to find any good sources of protein and I wouldn’t be getting the right amounts of it that I needed. Luckily I had the help of vegetarian friends and the internet to help me find my answers and now I am here to hopefully help you! I am going to list my favorite foods in order so you know which ones I personally find the best tasting.

The first protein substitute is quinoa. Quinoa looks very similar to cous cous but it has a bigger nutritional value. Quinoa is full of protein! In about 1 cup of quinoa there are about 8 grams of protein. This super food is not just full of protein, but it also contains manganese, iron, and fiber. You can substitute quinoa for rice so that way you are getting the right amount of protein that you need.

Another good protein substitute is obviously soy. There are about 10 grams of protein in half a cup of firm tofu and about 15 grams of protein in a half cup serving of tempeh. Soy products are actually pretty good even though a lot of people are weirded out by them. Soy is actually a complete protein which explains why it is pretty much the go to meat substitute in many vegetarians diets. My favorite way to eat soy products is in a quesadilla. I add tempeh, rice, beans, cheese, and guacamole to a whole wheat tortilla and it’s the bomb.

Lastly, a great protein substitute is ezekiel bread. This bread is made from lentils, wheat, barley, beans, spelt, and millet. It kind of looks a little funky, but it tastes pretty good! In 2 slices of ezekiel bread there are 8 grams of protein. My favorite way to eat this bread is with some chunky salsa, half an avocado, and cheese on top. This is one of my go to breakfasts and I definitely recommend. For another avocado toast recipe click here.

To see more protein substitutes click here.

I hope you try some of these tasty protein substitutes and enjoy them!

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